/home/rkeene/personal]$ ls -am
./, ../, answers/, archs.txt, audio/, bill-hicks/, ebooks/, interesting.txt, math/, me.txt, people.html, pictures/, plants/, school/, screenshot/, video/, wtc-2001/
4949982 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/personal]$
audio/ contains audio files.
interesting.txt is a file containing some interesting fortune cookies.
math/ contains what little work I've done on math stuff that I consider notable.
me.txt is a file containing information about me.
people.html contains links to the home pages of people I know.
pictures/ contains pictures of various things.
school/ contains some work I did for school.
-- Roy Keene [20081225T0525R] webmaster@rkeene.org
last modified: 2011-11-06 15:43:21