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This is a picture of the spokesman for the "Got Beer?" campaign.
This is a picture of a car and a girl.
This is a picture of two pilots in the cockpit.
This is a picture of some road workers.
This is a picture of a car with low mileage for sale.
This is a picture of a license plate.
This is a joke ad for a new baby food.
This is a warning to all parents and parents-to-be.
This is a picture of a forklift dropping a bomb.
This is a picture of a guy playing a practical joke on a bomb technician.
This is a picture of a cat who has had too much cat nip.
This is a picture of a cat, enjoying the game.
This is a cute picture of a dog and a cat.
This is a picture of a dog with a death wish.
This is a scary picture of the Pillsbury Doughboy.
This is a picture of a "Donutland" shoppe.
This is a picture of some rich people.
This is a clipping from a newspaper.
This is an advertisement for a kitty or a husband.
This is a picture of a typical Louisiana car.
This is a picture G. W. Bush, a man about to start a war.
This is a picture of a dream of Bill Gates'.
This is a picture of a pair of his/her bikes.
This is a picture of his/hers iMacs.
This is a picture of a sign found along the road in Mississippi.
This is a picture from a Catholic church in Ireland.
This is a real picture of a women kissing her LPGA trophy.
This is a picture of a science experiment gone awry.
This is a picture of some kids.
This is a picture of a happy scene at McDonalds.
This is a picture of the new map for the middle east.
This is a picture of a stealth bomber.
This is a picture of a 2-person outhouse.
This is a picture of a Chinese restaurant.
This is a picture of a well-endowed women.
This is a picture of Santa's tombstone.
This is a picture of a shark in a flood.
This is a picture of a sign outside of Lexington Middle School.
This is a picture of two guys, one playing soccer.
This is a picture of John's tombstone.
This is a picture that accurately portrays the reason men pay higher insurance.
This is an picture of an X-ray.
Last updated on Tue May 22 15:14:15 CDT 2007