Changes to My Workstation between r1 and r2
''Where My Work Gets Done''
* My workstation is currently running [Slackware64] v13.1
** Applications:
*** Desktop Environment: XFCE4
*** Web Browser: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox with Flash Player (via nspluginwrapper)
** Additionally configuration:
*** Root is on an LVM logical volume
*** [BtrFS] filesystem for `/home`
Here's my build journal:
* Install [Slackware64] v13.1 as normal
* After installation, but before rebooting generate an `initrd-x86_64.gz` and update `lilo.conf`:
** To generate `initrd-x86_64.gz`:
*** `# chroot /mnt`
*** `# cat <<\__EOF__ > /etc/mkinitrd.conf`
*** `> SOURCE_TREE="/boot/initrd-tree"`
*** `> CLEAR_TREE="0"`
*** `> KERNEL_VERSION="$(uname -r)"`
*** `> OUTPUT_IMAGE="/boot/initrd-$(uname -m).gz"`
*** `> KEYMAP="us"`
*** `> MODULE_LIST="ext4:ohci-hcd:ehci-hcd:usbhid:evdev:dm_snapshot"`
*** `> LVM="1"`
*** `> WAIT="1"`
*** `> __EOF__`
*** `# mkinitrd -F -k`
** Changes to `lilo.conf` (in the kernel section):
*** `initrd = /boot/initrd-x86_64.gz`
*** `append = "root=/dev/Data/Slackware64_13.1_Root"`
* Run `lilo` again
** `# chroot /mnt`
** `# mount -t proc proc /proc`
** `# lilo`
* Reboot
* Install additional software:
** btrfs-progs
** google-chrome
** nspluginwrapper
** slapt-get
* Update `slapt-getrc`:
** `SOURCE=`
** `SOURCE=`
** `SOURCE=`
* Update system:
** `# slapt-get --add-keys`
** `# slapt-get --update`
** `# slapt-get --upgrade`
* Add more software, using `slapt-get`:
** aterm
** tinc
** htp (HTTP Time Protocol)
* Update network configuration to add "-K" option to `dhcpcd` call to avoid checking for carrier
* Setup BtrFS filesystem:
** Create initial filesystem:
*** `# mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdb1`
** Mount and create sub-volumes
*** `# mkdir /pools/data`
*** `# mount -t btrfs /dev/sdb1 /pools/data`
*** `# btrfs subvolume create /pools/data/Home`
*** `# btrfs subvolume create /pools/data/Build`
** Update `fstab`:
*** `/dev/sdb1 /pools/data btrfs defaults 1 0`
*** `/dev/sdb1 /home btrfs subvol=Home 1 0`
*** `/dev/sdb1 /mnt/slackbuild btrfs subvol=Build 1 0`
** Add additional storage:
*** `# btrfs device add /dev/sda2 /pools/data`
* Update FreeType configuration (fixes ([ | font rendering on Google Chrome v6]):
** `# cd /etc/fonts/conf.d`
** `# ln -s ../conf.avail/10-no-sub-pixel.conf ../conf.avail/10-unhinted.conf .`
* Populate home directory from Subversion
* Update to Linux kernel
* Update `initrd-x86_64.gz`
** `# mkinitrd -F -k`
** `# lilo`
* Reboot
* Installed [ | 32-bit compatibility libraries]
* Installed [ | Wine v1.2]
* Installed Adobe Flash Player
Only in r1
Only in r2 --> Modified slightly between r1 and r2