/home/rkeene/projects/tkweb]$ ls -am
./, ../, test1.cgi, test1.tk, tkweb-2.tcl, tkweb-test1-2.png, tkweb.tar.gz, tkweb.tcl
5005750 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/tkweb]$
test1.tk is a simple demo/test program used in the screenshot.
tkweb-2.tcl is an old version of tkweb.tcl.
tkweb-test1-2.png is a screenshot of a TkWeb-ified application (sample application in archive) and the same source code running using Tk-X11.
tkweb.tar.gz is an attempt at rendering Tcl/Tk scripts using HTML. An X11 server is still required by this prototype. This archive includes all the source scripts and data that would be needed to properly use the prototype.
tkweb.tcl is an attempt at rendering Tcl/Tk scripts using HTML. An X11 server is still required by this prototype.
-- Roy Keene [20081225T0525R] webmaster@rkeene.org
last modified: 2012-08-02 23:16:28