5007768 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/vtcl]$ ls -am
./, ../, beta/, MD5SUMS.txt, README.txt, starpack-vtcl.sh, tcl-tk-reference-guide.html, tcl-tk-reference-guide.pdf, vtcl-1.6.1a1-darwin-univ.zip, vtcl-1.6.1a1-linux-i386, vtcl-1.6.1a1-linux-i386-static, vtcl-1.6.1a1-linux-x86_64, vtcl-1.6.1a1-solaris-i386, vtcl-1.6.1a1-solaris-sparc, vtcl-1.6.1a1-win32-i386.exe, vtcl-1.6.1a1.tar.gz
5007769 [rkeene@sledge /home/rkeene/projects/vtcl]$

starpack-vtcl.sh is the shell script used to generate these starpacks from the unmodified vTcl source code.
tcl-tk-reference-guide.html is a mirror of http://home.houston.rr.com/brianohagan/tcl_tk_ref_guide.html
tcl-tk-reference-guide.pdf is the Tcl/Tk Reference Guide from ( http://home.houston.rr.com/brianohagan/tcl_tk_ref_guide.html ) converted to PDF (using html2ps version 1.0b5)
vtcl-1.6.1a1-darwin-univ.zip is a starpack for vTcl version 1.6.1a1 for Darwin (i386 and PPC)
vtcl-1.6.1a1-linux-i386 is a starpack for vTcl version 1.6.1a1 for Linux (i386)
vtcl-1.6.1a1-linux-i386-static is a starpack for vTcl version 1.6.1a1 for Linux (i386, statically linked)
vtcl-1.6.1a1-linux-x86_64 is a starpack for vTcl version 1.6.1a1 for Linux (x86_64)
vtcl-1.6.1a1-solaris-i386 is a starpack for vTcl version 1.6.1a1 for Solaris (i386)
vtcl-1.6.1a1-solaris-sparc is a starpack for vTcl version 1.6.1a1 for Solaris (Sparc32)
vtcl-1.6.1a1-win32-i386.exe is a starpack for vTcl version 1.6.1a1 for Microsoft Windows (i386)
vtcl-1.6.1a1.tar.gz is the unmodified source for vTcl version 1.6.1a1 ( http://vtcl.sourceforge.net/ ).
     -- Roy Keene [20081225T0525R] webmaster@rkeene.org
last modified: 2019-11-20 21:05:39